Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 1, 2014.

I started my day feeling a bit queezy in my lower stomach.  In a little while, I realized I wasn't going on the boat to launch because I couldn't do much else but curl up and writhe in pain.  After some time, trying several things to relieve the pain that was getting worse by the minute I finally realized that I had to do something so had the friends we have been staying with while I've been getting the boat ready, I asked Andrea to take me to the hospital, I was really worried, possibly appendix or worse.  By the time I arrived at the hospital, I could not even talk I was in so much pain.  Finally after much too much time, they finally give me a pain killer shot and I came around thinking that maybe I overreacted and didn't need to be here....such a short memory when the pain goes away completely.  Well they did some tests and came back that I had 2 kidney stones that were trying to pass and would do so within a couple of days but I had to have continuous pain meds or I would have to shoot myself.  Well that took a complete day out of my schedule but how wonderful this all happened before I set sail and was alone on the boat with no ground transportation or other basic needs to get myself to some medical facility.

As a side note, I went to the hospital that my grandson, Tyson was born in 7 years ago in Myrtle Beach.

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